How to upgrade OWASP Mutillidae II to the latest release in Samurai Web Testing Framework or Web Security Dojo (SOLVED)
OWASP Mutillidae II is pre-installed in Samurai Web Testing Framework and Web Security Dojo (ethical hacking sandboxes, pre-configured vulnerable targets). However, the release version is likely outdated.
To update OWASP Mutillidae II to the latest release in Samurai Web Testing Framework
Create the file with the following contents:
#!/bin/bash cd /tmp temp="$(curl -sL -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36'" if [ $? -ne '0' ]; then exit 1 fi wget -O "" `echo "${temp}" | grep -o -E 'https://[A-Za-z0-9./-]{7,}[.]zip/download' | head -n 1` unzip sudo rm -rf /usr/share/mutillidae.original.backup sudo mv /usr/share/mutillidae /usr/share/mutillidae.original.backup sudo mkdir /usr/share/mutillidae sudo mv mutillidae*/* /usr/share/mutillidae/ sudo mv /usr/share/mutillidae.original.backup/ssl.crt /usr/share/mutillidae/ssl.crt sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/mutillidae/ sudo rm -rf mutillidae* cd
Run the script:
sudo bash
In your web browser, open the http://mutillidae/set-up-database.php URL address to rebuild the database.
To update OWASP Mutillidae II to the latest release in Web Security Dojo
Create the file with the following contents:
#!/bin/bash cd /tmp temp="$(curl -sL -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36'" if [ $? -ne '0' ]; then exit 1 fi wget -O "" `echo "${temp}" | grep -o -E 'https://[A-Za-z0-9./-]{7,}[.]zip/download' | head -n 1` unzip sudo rm -rf /var/www/mutillidae.original.backup sudo mv /var/www/mutillidae /var/www/mutillidae.original.backup sudo mkdir /var/www/mutillidae sudo mv mutillidae*/* /var/www/mutillidae/ sudo sed -i 's/static public $mMySQLDatabaseHost = "localhost";/static public $mMySQLDatabaseHost = "";/' /var/www/mutillidae/classes/MySQLHandler.php sudo sed -i 's/static public $mMySQLDatabasePassword = "";/static public $mMySQLDatabasePassword = "dojo";/' /var/www/mutillidae/classes/MySQLHandler.php sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mutillidae/ sudo rm -rf mutillidae* cd
Run the script:
sudo bash
In your web browser, open the http://localhost/mutillidae/set-up-database.php link to rebuild the database.
To install OWASP Mutillidae II in Kali Linux follow this guide.
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