Tag: Apache


How to set up HTTPS for a web server in Kali Linux

Web Server on Windows 11 (Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin): step-by-step installation guide

How to install web server on Windows 10 (Apache 2.4, PHP 8, MySQL 8.0 and phpMyAdmin) [updated: September 2024]

Configuring and starting network services on Kali Linux (Apache, MySQL, SSH, PostgreSQL, NetworkManager and Bluetooth)

Basics of working with a web server for a pentester

WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux): Hints, How-Tos, Troubleshooting

How to protect web server on Kali Linux from unauthorized access

How to download files from servers

How to install and use Ruby on Windows

How to install Python and PIP on Windows 10. How to set up Python as a web server module