Category: Password Attacks


Comprehensive Guide to John the Ripper. Part 6: How to brute force non-standard hashes

How to generate candidate passwords that match password strength policies (filtering words with grep)

How to speed up the generation of dictionaries with passwords

How to create dictionaries that comply with specific password strength policies (using Rule-based attack)

Comprehensive Guide to John the Ripper. Part 5: Rule-based attack

Practical examples of Hashcat usage

How to hack HTTP Basic and Digest Authentication

Comprehensive Guide to John the Ripper. Part 4: Practical examples of John the Ripper usage

How to use precomputed tables to crack Wi-Fi passwords in Hashcat and John the Ripper

Comprehensive Guide to John the Ripper. Part 3: How to start cracking passwords in John the Ripper (how to specify masks, dictionaries, hashes, formats, modes)