Rogue Wi-Fi AP with mitmAP: setting up and data analysis

Setting up mitmAP

mitmAP – is a little Python3 script to create a fake AP and sniff data. It automates the process of creation Access Point and launches tools to sniff traffic and to bypass HSTS.

The program is shipped with SSLStrip+ and dns2proxy.

Download mitmAP:

git clone
cd mitmAP/

Start it:

sudo python3

While first running it is necessary to install/update dependencies

The next step – you need to enter the name of your wireless interface (for the AP). If you do not know the names of network interfaces, open one more terminal and issue:

ip a

The command will show you names of every network interface in your system.

The following command

sudo iw dev

will show only names of wireless interfaces:

As we can see, I have wireless network interface named wlan0 and one more network interface named eth0.

So for the AP I use wlan0, and as internet connected interface I use eth0.

As said about, usage SSLSTRIP 2.0 will let to bypass HSTS. So this is recommended.

Select preferred SSID (name of your AP) and channel (1-14).

If you want to use AP for Rogue AP Attack and Man-In-The-Middle attacks you should not enable WPA2 encryption.

Analysis of data collected in a Rogue Wi-Fi AP with mitmAP

mitmAP creates the logs directory with two files: mitmap-sslstrip.log and mitmap-wireshark.pcap. The first one contains collected data in text format. The second is designed for data analysis in Wireshark.

NOTE: Every time you start mitmAP, the mitmap-sslstrip.log and mitmap-wireshark.pcap files are erased! If you plan to analyze them later, you should move them to a safe place.

Data analysis in Wireshark

Wireshark has a lot of detailed filters, you can find them all here:

Some popular examples of Wireshark filters.

To display in Wireshark all HTTP POST requests:

http.request.method == "POST"

To display all sent and received data from a specific domain (replace <URL> with domain name, for example,"<URL>"

Searching a specific string in the data stream (replace <string> with an actual string you wish to find):

frame contains "<string>"

To show cookies in Wireshark:


If you look for cookies with a specific name, use:

http.cookie contains "<name>"

To display in Wireshark, all GET and POST requests:

http.request.uri contains "?" or http.request.method=="POST"

If you search all data transferred with a FTP server, you can try the following filters in Wireshark:



tcp.port==21 || tcp.port==20

mitmAP: sniffing with other tools

You can combine mitmAP with any accustomed tools for sniffing and man-in-the-middle attacks. For example, if you want to use Bettercap, you should remember, that:

  • ARP spoofing is not required
  • Do not actively search for hosts, just use the current ARP cache
  • Do not enable SSLStrip (because it is already on)

So Bettercap command will look like that:

sudo bettercap -X -I wlan0 -S NONE --no-discovery


sudo bettercap -X -I wlan0 -S NONE --no-discovery --proxy --no-sslstrip

Stopping mitmAP

To shutdown mitmAP, quickly press CTRL+C twice.

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